Land Records
Land Records are some of the most heavily used records at the Provincial Archives. In particular, the homestead files created to administer the dispersal of lands, have proven to be a rich source of historical information that reaches far beyond their routine administrative purpose.
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South African volunteer bounty land certificate issued by the Department of the Interior to E.A. Orchard, 1908, PAS series S42, file 1185550, p. 11
Land Records at the Archives
Land Records at the Archives
Land Records: History and Background
Read more about the history and background of land administration in Saskatchewan.
Homestead Files at the Provincial Archives
Other Land Records at the Provincial Archives
Records contain name, address and occupation of the applicant along with the legal land description, size, and type of grant.
Township Register
Index to disposals of Dominion lands. Includes date of entry, name of grantee, date of patent, and notations. To find these records, try searching for the name of the township in our online collection.
Township Plans
Survey maps showing an entire township on each map.
Cummins Maps
Maps showing who owned a quarter section in a given year; 1917, 1920, 1922, 1926, and 1930 maps are available.
Brand Books
Books used to locate a rancher whose land was acquired by grazing lease instead of by homestead patent.
Timber and Grazing Records
Information about individuals who had a lease to cut timber or graze animals. Records are on microfilm (R-2.1000, Dept of Agriculture, Lands Branch Records, Timber and Grazing Records). An index is available (R-1224) which can be used with the Township Registers.

Photo of a Saskatchewan Township Register record at the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.

Rush of the Dominion Land Titles office in Prince Albert, 1909.
PAS Photo R-A4557-2.
Saskatchewan Land Records Held at Other Repositories
Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan
Records include homestead grants (land grant document only), land sales, land purchases, land transfers, all railway land transactions, school lands, and copies of original land grant certificates.
Glenbow Archives: Records of Canadian Pacific Railway land sales
Library and Archives Canada: Land Grants of Western Canada, 1870-1930
Archives of Manitoba - Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Archives
Records include HBC land sales records.