Oh, Oh, Oh, It’s a Lovely War: Gladys Matheson’s Memories as a Nursing Sister
Preserved at the Provincial Archives are wartime records created by Gladys Matheson, a Nursing Sister with the Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC) during the First World War. The exhibit “Oh, Oh, Oh, It’s a Lovely War: Gladys Matheson’s Memories as a Nursing Sister” shares a selection of these wartime records including photographs, diary entries, autograph book sketches, and sound recordings. The exhibit can be viewed in-person at the Provincial Archives’ Reading Room located in Regina at 2440 Broad Street.
Interested in learning more about the history of Nursing Sisters of the First World War as well as Gladys Matheson and her wartime records? Take some time to watch a recording of a Nursing Sisters of the First World War presentation that took place in early November, now available on our YouTube channel.
Découvrir les Archives provinciales avec Radio-Canada
Écoutez notre chronique mensuelle sur Pour faire un monde de Radio-Canada pour découvrir ce qu’on peut trouver aux Archives provinciales et ce que ces archives peuvent nous révéler de l’histoire de la Saskatchewan.
31 octobre 2023 : Découverte des croyances folkloriques des pionniers de la Saskatchewan
31 janvier 2024 : L’électrification rurale en Saskatchewan dans les années 50
1 mars 2024: Un descendant des premiers pionniers noirs raconte son histoire
27 mars 2024: Une collection de photos d'archives de la jeunesse fransaskoise
25 avril 2024: L'origine des noms de communautés saskatchewanaises
29 mai 2024: L'autoroute Transcanadienne de la Saskatchewan en 1926 en photo
26 juin 2024: Sur la route: Les Vacation Trails de la Saskatchewan
24 juillet 2024: Sur la route: Voyager dans la région de Batoche
30 août 2024: Sur la route: La vallée de la rivière Carrot
13 septembre 2024: Les Archives provinciales plongent dans l’éducation du passé
5 novembre 2024: À la découverte de la collection d’archives Gladys Matheson
11 décembre 2024: Les Archives provinciales plongent dans les Noëls d’antan
Discover the Provincial Archives with Radio-Canada
Tune in to our monthly chronicle with Radio-Canada’s Pour faire un monde to discover what records can be found in the Provincial Archives and what they reveal to us about Saskatchewan’s history.
October 31, 2023: Discover pioneer folklore in Saskatchewan
January 31, 2024 : Rural electrification in Saskatchewan in the 1950s
March 1, 2024: A descendant of the first Black pioneers shares his story
March 27, 2024: A photo collection of young Fransaskois
April 25, 2024: The origins of Saskatchewan's community place names
May 29, 2024: A photo of Saskatchewan's Trans-Canada highway in 1928
June 26, 2024: On the Road: Saskatchewan Vacation Trails
July 24, 2024: On the Road: Exploring the Batoche area
August 30, 2024: On the Road: The Carrot River Valley
September 13, 2024: The Provincial Archives shares memories of education in the past
November 5, 2024: Discover the archives of Gladys Matheson
December 11, 2024: The Provincial Archives dive into Christmas past
Check out our state-of-the-art accommodations and learn how we preserve and give access to our Province's history! Book your tour by contacting mainref@archives.gov.sk.ca or call us at 1-833-382-4068. Please include an estimate of how many attendees and a preferred date, if possible.