Learning Packages
These learning packages meet Saskatchewan curriculum requirements and support the development of ‘historical thinking’ skills.
Developed with an education consultant, the packages contain reproductions of primary sources from the Provincial Archives, along with teaching tools and educator guidelines, ready-made for use in the classroom.
Read more about what historical thinking is and how this concept can be applied to these Learning Packages.

Mrs. Eloise Lukoni teaching at Deschambault school in 1964. PAS Photo Services 64-365-06.
Grade 4

Homes and Historical Thinking
Learning about Saskatchewan homes using photographs
Grade Eight

Immigration and Historical Thinking
Learn about reasons for immigration to Saskatchewan, using interviews.

Residential Schools, Culture, and Identity
Learn about the role that education has played and continues to play in the enculturation of Canadian children.

The Reserve Pass System and Its Impact on Treaty Relationships
Study samples of original reserve passes while considering the impact of the reserve pass system on First Nations communities, on treaty relationships, and on basic human rights.
Grade Twelve

The CCF in Saskatchewan
Learn more about the The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) and their role changing Saskatchewan politics.

Letters & Diaries of the Great War: Considering Historical Perspectives
Learn about Great War active service experiences from different perspectives.

Estevan Riot 1931: Weighing the Causes
Learn about the causes of the Estevan Riot in 1931, using archival documents.

Why Were Prairie Women Leaders In The Canadian Women’s Suffrage Movement?
Learn about how women were enfranchised to vote in Saskatchewan in 1916, using archival documents.

Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike 1962
Learn about Medicare and the Doctors’ Strike using editorial cartoons and archival documents.

The Suicide Battalion and Canada’s Role in World War One
Learn about the experiences of soldiers in the 46th Battalion from their perspective, using excerpts from oral history interviews.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support for development of these learning packages from the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists and the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation through SaskCulture Inc.