Saskatchewan Archives Week 2025
Celebrate Saskatchewan’s annual Archives Week the week of February 2 to 8, 2025. This year is a significant milestone: it is the 20th anniversary of Archives Week and the 80th anniversary of the Provincial Archives.
Join the Provincial Archives in celebration of archives and archivists on Wednesday, February 5 for a special event, Archives Week: The Thrill of Discovery. The evening will commence with a presentation delivered by architectural historian, Frank Korvemaker, focusing on the “needles in a haystack” that he has researched throughout his career and his joy at discovering the answer in the archives. Following the presentation, you can browse displays by local archives and go on a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the Provincial Archives.
The event will take place on Wednesday, February 5 in Regina at 2440 Broad Street. Doors will open at 6:15 pm and the presentation will begin at 7 pm.
For other Archives Week events taking place in the province, please visit the Saskatchewan Council for Archives & Archivists’ Archives Week website.
Découvrir les Archives provinciales avec Radio-Canada
Écoutez notre chronique mensuelle sur Pour faire un monde de Radio-Canada pour découvrir ce qu’on peut trouver aux Archives provinciales et ce que ces archives peuvent nous révéler de l’histoire de la Saskatchewan.
31 octobre 2023 : Découverte des croyances folkloriques des pionniers de la Saskatchewan
31 janvier 2024 : L’électrification rurale en Saskatchewan dans les années 50
1 mars 2024: Un descendant des premiers pionniers noirs raconte son histoire
27 mars 2024: Une collection de photos d'archives de la jeunesse fransaskoise
25 avril 2024: L'origine des noms de communautés saskatchewanaises
29 mai 2024: L'autoroute Transcanadienne de la Saskatchewan en 1926 en photo
26 juin 2024: Sur la route: Les Vacation Trails de la Saskatchewan
24 juillet 2024: Sur la route: Voyager dans la région de Batoche
30 août 2024: Sur la route: La vallée de la rivière Carrot
13 septembre 2024: Les Archives provinciales plongent dans l’éducation du passé
5 novembre 2024: À la découverte de la collection d’archives Gladys Matheson
11 décembre 2024: Les Archives provinciales plongent dans les Noëls d’antan
Discover the Provincial Archives with Radio-Canada
Tune in to our monthly chronicle with Radio-Canada’s Pour faire un monde to discover what records can be found in the Provincial Archives and what they reveal to us about Saskatchewan’s history.
October 31, 2023: Discover pioneer folklore in Saskatchewan
January 31, 2024 : Rural electrification in Saskatchewan in the 1950s
March 1, 2024: A descendant of the first Black pioneers shares his story
March 27, 2024: A photo collection of young Fransaskois
April 25, 2024: The origins of Saskatchewan's community place names
May 29, 2024: A photo of Saskatchewan's Trans-Canada highway in 1928
June 26, 2024: On the Road: Saskatchewan Vacation Trails
July 24, 2024: On the Road: Exploring the Batoche area
August 30, 2024: On the Road: The Carrot River Valley
September 13, 2024: The Provincial Archives shares memories of education in the past
November 5, 2024: Discover the archives of Gladys Matheson
December 11, 2024: The Provincial Archives dive into Christmas past
Check out our state-of-the-art accommodations and learn how we preserve and give access to our Province's history! Book your tour by contacting or call us at 1-833-382-4068. Please include an estimate of how many attendees and a preferred date, if possible.