Access to Restricted Records
The Provincial Archives, as a government institution, is bound by The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP), The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA) and other relevant legislation pertaining to access and privacy.
Appraisal, Acquisition, Legislative Compliance and Access Services (AAA) is responsible for institution-wide compliance with all applicable access and privacy requirements as prescribed in legislation and donor agreements. The Provincial Archives works to balance the public’s right to access information against an individual's right to privacy and the program assists the Archives in meeting this challenge. Read more about Access Restrictions and Donation Agreements.
The program facilitates access to the Provincial Archives' Collection by reviewing and processing researcher requests to access restricted materials. Before researchers are granted access, records are reviewed for personal information and personal health information as defined in FOIPP and HIPA or for any access restrictions established by other applicable legislation. Any information that should be restricted is severed prior to access or, when applicable, a non-disclosure agreement is negotiated with the researcher.
If you are requesting access to restricted records, please complete the Request to Access Restricted Material Form and submit an enquiry.

Archives staff accessing records in storage. PAS photo.