Documentary Evidence
The documents listed on this page relate to the Estevan Riot and to labour unrest in the Bienfait and Estevan coal fields in 1931.

Coal Miners in front of a building, n.d.
PAS Photo R-A236.
Documents from the Saskatchewan Dept. of Labour, Deputy Minister’s Office – Estevan Bienfait Coal Mine, 1931
Documents from the Saskatchewan Dept. of Labour, Deputy Minister’s Office – Estevan Bienfait Coal Mine, 1931
Short Chronological Review of the Labour Dispute – Saskatchewan Lignite Coal fields – September-October 1931, 28 October 1931, signed by Thomas M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Labour
Open Letter to the Miners of the Sask. Coalfields, from Saskatchewan-Manitoba District council of the Workers’ Unity League, 1931.
Letter to T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Labour, from Edw. Pierce, Eastern Collieries of Bienfait, Ltd., 16 October 1931, with enclosed leaflet entitled “Protest Against Brutal Murder of Miners in Estevan!” issued by the National Executive Committee, Canadian Labourn Defense League [no date].
Letter to Chas. Wm. Locke, Esq., President B.E.S.L., Bienfait, Sask., from T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Labour, 17 October 1931.
Draft agreement between mine operators and employees to re-open the mines and return to work, Estevan, 6 October 1931.
Letter to T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Railways, Labour & Industries, from F.E. Harrison, Western Representative, Canada Department of Labour, 28 September 1931.
Letter to G.A. Calvert, Esq., Managing Director, International Clay Products, Ltd., Estevan, SK, from T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Railways, Labour & Industries, 22 September 1931
Letter to T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Railways, Labour & Industries, from G.A. Calvert, Esq., Managing Director, International Clay Products, Ltd., Estevan, SK, 18 September 1931.
Notes “Re: Estevan Coal Strike”, 9 September 1931, by T.M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Railways, Labour & Industries
Copy of Telegram Sent to Hon. G.D. Robertson, [Canada] Minister of Labour, Ottawa, from John A. Merkley, Regina, 9 September 1931
Copy of Canadian Pacific Railway Company’s Telegraph Day letter to Jas. Sloan, President Miners Union, Estevan, SK, from Thos. M. Molloy, Deputy Minister of Labour, Regina, SK, 7 September 1931
Newspaper Clipping: Winnipeg Free Press, 1 October 1931, “Estevan’s Black Day”
Newspaper Clipping: Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 1 October 1931, “The Estevan Fray”
Newspaper Clipping: Winnipeg Free Press, 1 October 1931, “Sloan Is Blamed for Estevan Trouble”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 30 September 1931, “Twelve Injured Seriously When Police and Miners Wage Battle In Streets”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 26 September 1931, “Judge Wylie Delays Probe of Estevan Strike Tangle; Awaits Word From Ottawa”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Star, 24 September 1931, “Operators Ask for Police Protection; Will Use Any Labor”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 17 September 1931, “Mineworkers Union Scores Efforts to Break Coal Strike”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Star, 15 September 1931, “Recruit 600 Men to Stop Sask. Strike”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post – Noon Edition, 8 September 1931, “South Mine Area Workers Stage Strike”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Star, 8 September 1931, “Alberta Agitators Cause of Troubles Officials Declare”
Newspaper Clipping: Estevan Mercury, 3 September 1931, “Molloy Will Study Situation In Mines”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Star, 24 October 1931, “Complaints of Miners Heard”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 14 October 1931, “Complaints of Bienfait Mine Workers Heard”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 13 October 1931, “Tells Probe Miners’ Pay Is Not High”
Newspaper Clipping: Regina Leader-Post, 9 October 1931, “Head of Mine Tells of Deep Seam Plight”
Newspaper Clipping: Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 6 October 1931, “Miners Describe Their Grievances at Hearing”
Documentation of Industrial Unrest in the Estevan-Bienfait Coalfields, 1928-1935
Documentation of Industrial Unrest in the Estevan-Bienfait Coalfields, 1928-1935
Excerpts transcribed from interview with Harry Nicholson, Estevan City Council member at the time of riot. Interviewed 24 August 1973 in Estevan by Larry Johnston. PAS Tape R-320.
Excerpts transcribed from interview with W.D. McKay, Estevan City Policeman involved in riot. Interviewed 2 September 1973 in Regina by Larry Johnston. PAS Tape R-357.
Excerpts transcribed from interview with Peter Gembey, miner in Bienfait area at the time of riot. Interviewed 18 July 1973 in Bienfait by Larry Johnston and Ron Adams. PAS Tape R-325.
Excerpts transcribed from interview with Howard A. Babcock, local resident and mine cook in the 1930s, discussing miners’ working and living conditions, and organization of the miners. Interviewed 19 June 1973 in Regina by Larry Johnston. PAS Tape R-326.
Excerpts transcribed from interview with Howard A. Babcock, local resident and mine cook in 1930s, discussing actions of the Estevan town council and the police. Interviewed 19 June 1973 in Regina by Larry Johnston. PAS Tape R-326.
Related Newspaper Article
Related Newspaper Article
Estevan Mercury, 24 September 1931, “The Truth About the Strike in the Bienfait and Estevan Coal Fields,” p. 8,
PAS Micro R-1.160, Reel 7 (1930-1931).